Smooth sounding DAC?

I am looking for a smooth and warm sounding dac with good resolution and bass!

Warm sounding is a must, any one?
Flex: My comments were not meant to come across as up-sampling solving the problem of limited bandwidth / limited transient response inherent in redbook so much as helping to reduce some of those drawbacks to a more bearable ( and even enjoyable ) level.

As far as transient response goes, and as i stated in the above post, many of these limitations are in the analogue conversion / section of the DAC's. Anything that we can do to retrieve more info from the digital portion of reproduction can only increase the resolution of the system as a whole, even if there are losses / degradation in the analogue realm. This is not to say that analogue is inferior to digital, not by any means, but that the implimentation of combining these two different formats is still in its' learning stages.

To be quite honest here, i am still learning about digital and if my comments above are incorrect and / or misleading, please correct me and the mis-information that i may have helped to spread. I passed on info that i learned in these and other forums along with various "hi-fi" articles. As such, it could be wrong or loaded with "half-truths" that need clarification.

Other than that, i do understand and agree with your comments that you made reference to in your "PS" section. That's why i made mention of other formats using higher sampling rates being capable of increased levels of resolution. Sean

Scott-Nixon or Audio Note 2.1?

Hvae Art Jota, Ref3as and Meridian 508-24 box?

Looking for that tube/vinyl heaven.

Thanks much
I have modded a dAck! and even though it is not an upsampler, it is very nice indeed. Very extended, transparent, good imaging and good dynamics. Best I have heard as the price. Not a match for my upsampling reference DAC though. It is twice as expensive. Next I will be modding a Nixon TubeDAC and a Benchmark DAC1.

The only tube output DAC that I have heard that approaches vinyl is the Audio Note DAC4.1X with mods. Superb sound. Maybe the Nixon has this potential as well
Meridian 263 - a steal if you can find one. This has excellent midrange and a smooth top end. It is a bit stream so the bass slam isn't there but still very satisfying IMO - that would also depend on the rest of the system.