Smooth sounding DAC?

I am looking for a smooth and warm sounding dac with good resolution and bass!

Warm sounding is a must, any one?
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I'll quote some specifics:

1) Perpetual Technologies P-3A with Turbomod - very analog-like
2) Birdland Odeon-lite with mods - very close to P-3A in performance

Nothing I have tried comes close to these, including Audio Aero, AN, Electrocompaniet and even Meitner
Kora Hermes is a very well executed design and has exactly the characteristics that you're looking for. Audiomeca Enkianthus X is also very smooth, but doesn't offer you the flexibilty of the Kora.
sean or audioengr.
Would you comment on why nonoversanpling DAC's suffer from diminished dynamics and softened transients. I thought the "softening" of transients was due to lack of ringing of the brickwall filter which causes much of the "digititis" we complain about. Why would dynamics be affected by a lack of brickwall filter?