smokin' recommendation: Evan Parker's "TIME LAPSE"

Evan Parker, first generation British improvisor, collaborated with genius producer John Zorn to produce one of the most shockingly brilliant albums of solo sax I have ever heard. It consists of overdubbed pieces, often reminiscent of Terry Riley's minimal soprano loops of the 70's. It is a spectacularly recorded album, very intimate sounding in its presentation of these vast sonic fields. Any fans of minimalism or free jazz will be duly challenged and delighted. 5 stars!

Title: 'Time Lapse'
Label: Tzadik

Showing 6 responses by chashmal

Several years ago a composer friend of mine made fun of me for being an audiophile. His premise was that people who continually think about their equipment while they listen take their attention from the inner life of the music, and thus process music superficially. Focusing on the aspect of reproduction does lend to the danger of missing the whole point. Of course, being an audiophile myself, I think one can do both, each in its proper place.

However it is astounding that so many audiophiles have such conventional sensibilities and mainstream tastes. Just look at the 50 post on the beatles! It is horrifying that people who obviously love music so much stay within such narrow confines.

It makes me wonder whether my friend had a point.
Oh I know. You will all think I am a pompous ass for holding my tastes above those of the mainstream, and (god forbid) for insulting the glorious beatles. Well, before you all chime in, all I can say is that I honestly wanted to see if anyone was willing to put in the effort it takes to appreciate such a difficult and beautiful work as "Time Lapse".

If you don't like it, fine. But have the sechel to say something intelligent. Simply calling it 'awful' is primitive and retrograde schoolyard commentary. Why bother even posting at all?
Mofi: There are a lot of different types of awful out there, but I bet this album isn't your garden variety. It would be interesting to hear a more in depth critique from a music lover such as yourself. If the sax comment got you then maybe you love jazz. If you love jazz then you probably love improvisation. Evan Parker is regarded as a master, whether you like it or not. I'm not recommending an unknown obscure jerk here. This is worth thinking about...if you want to. If not, don't!

Eslaudio: no one has to justify anything to me, of course. I thought it would spark an interesting discussion, that's all. No harm done.
Jtinn: yes, it is a bit too obtuse for most people.

I think EP does something really evocative with his technique of circular breathing. When it seems he is repeating a phrase you can hear the breath subtly modulating variations that are constant unique inventions, but very delicate. This is his genius. I think there is nothing like it.

An album which is a great example of this without the overdubs is "Conic sections". Very very hard to find on vinyl, but out on CD.
I have many of EP's other works, and I might be inclined to agree with some of the criticisms here in relation to most of them. Time Lapse is different. First of all, it is a highly overdubbed album with many varied textures and complex sonic fields. Most of the time he simply plays. The complexity of the pieces is more like a work of electronic music in this sense. If you are turned off by his other stuff, still, you might be turned around on this one. Zorn did an amazing job producing it.