Smoke and DVD

Hi Audioners,

I have many times expressed a pOpblem of ny DVD players eventuaally edither stoppng play, not recocnizing the the disc or just refusinf tO plAY (GIVING SOME ERROr code) I have expressed this problem many times on this forum anD always seem to come to the same conclusion, no-one is listening to the problem. My Problem----- SOMETIMES A DVD WILL PLAY-----SOMETIMES IT WILL NOT---It has nothing to do with the format that the DVD was recorded at (as most replies seem to address) tO me it seem's that most likely the fault lies in the fact that I smoke . I can only assume from the repeated problems from many DVD players thaht the problem lies with me. I'm thinking that ciggarette smoke can build up on the optics of a DVD player and cause nit to not be able to read some discs (at least SOME of them on occassion) Please do not be so damm stupid as to respond to this query as to tell me that I should discs, My player UDED to play ALL the disc's as did my Denon Player--They both just seem to not recognize certain discs now. It has nothing nto do with the format with which they were redcorded. The player will sometimes play a disc that it pteviously failed to recognize, and sometimes the exact opposite will happen. Am I making nmyself clear? It is not the format , I am asking about the ability of a unit to play musically, no matter what the formst. I dondn't understan anything about ther formats--- I lust want good sound



Showing 1 response by timrhu

Get a new dvd player, cdp, and as Nsgarch suggested a new keyboard. Oh yeah, and quit freakin smoking. Any other questions?
Merry Christmas.