SME V vs 309 Sonic Differences

Hi all,

I've read from a few sources one or two line comments like "The SME 309 gives up surprisingly little" when compared to the SME V. I've also seen a comment "most of the difference is in the tonearm cable." But in trying to nail down the true performance difference I have done numerous searches on both google and AudiogoN and can't seem to come up with anything beyond these one-liners.

Does anyone have experience with both arms that can give some insight? I just committed to an SME 309 and am wondering what it sonically gives up. Based on what it gives up, I'm wondering if the SME V would ever make sense as an upgrade, and what upgrade path exists for the 309 itself as either general improvements or targeted changes to specifically narrow the gap with the V. Any personal experiences with any possible upgrades is also welcome.

(Also, on a side note - I've heard some say the SMEs can be dark or too analytical. Is there any truth to that?)

Thanks everyone!

Showing 6 responses by gsoravil

Hmmm....sounds like my best bet might actually be the idea I had to take my battery powered MC step up and solder a short set of lines directly from its PCB to an SME din. Maybe with a Litz braid.

Curious of a few things from your post. What percentage of the overall gain from the stock 309 to the V with cable upgrade would you say was the cable itself? 30%, 50%? Also, do you get the sense the damping trough would help the 309? Lastly, if you don't mind would you expand on what type of table and cartridge you're running so I have a better idea of equipment class?

Thanks much!
I think dmccombs comment here puts the nail on it:

> I think a SME 309 with a good tonearm cable will out do a
> SME V with a so-so cable. Of course, an SME V with a nice
> cable would be preferred if funds (or wife) allow it.

Seems to me that if I did justify a V right now there's no way I could afford to upgrade to an appropriate quality cable, whereas with the 309 I can probably justfy something halfway decent. Overall it sounds like dollar for dollar my best bet is the 309 right now.

Unless, of course, the V comes with a truly good cable. But I get the sense that it probably just comes with one that betters the 309's cable.

Well...the 309 arrived today. Can't wait to try it out. Starting with my backup table I am doing a test fit. Love the weight. Nice, heavy, solid assembly.
I was eyeballing that Winfeld... I am running a Kontrapunkt b (based on the Jubilee). Might go Jubilee someday unless I score a good second hand Winfeld that I could retip.

I got my 309 the other day and did a half-hearted mounting job on my spare table (wanted to make sure I like it before cutting the heck out of the plinth). Seems to have more clarity but less highs than the Acos that was on the table. Maybe this is the copper internals or the tonearm cable that came with it? What makes this arm stand out seems to be the way in which these arms hold their settings. I am using the stock cable like I stated, but have been eyeing this home-made cable on eBay made with four nines silver and done in a litz braid. He has a full refund policy so can't hurt to try it I suppose...
Scratch my comment on the highs. It would seem my cart is merely taking a few hours, adjusting to being setup closer to spec... :-)
Wow, that's a bit bigger of a praise for the Jubilee than I expected to see. So I take it the 309 handled the Jubilee reasonably well?

You know my eyes are bigger than my stomach when I silently ask myself "Would it be murder to stick a Winfeld on a 309?" I just don't think Winfeld + V is going to happen anytime in my forseable future. Might have to "settle" on a Jubilee + V on my eventual upgrades down the road. Oh this addicting hobby! I can already tell my next upgrade is me building my own table.