SME Series III Tonearm

I just bought turntable at garage sale. And now I would lke for those with some knowledge of what I have please tell me how you would rate it. To start with it's a Rega Planar-3 with SME series III tonearm. The needle Sigent AM10S. I have pictures, This is not for sale!!! I just bought a new Rega-P3 cover and entend to keep it. I am just wondering what I could do as a check up etc. I am thinking of changing the neeedle bacause of age. Old school knowledge reminds me that needles are only good for 5 years or so. everything seems to work great. Plays at correct speed. No hum has sparkle in the high notes. Dirty with old dust needs cleaning on the gold SME arme everywhere realy. Helpful sugestions. Paid $200.00 if you have read this far you deserve to know. Don
The table and arm are fine, I'd dump the Signet and get a low dollar ortofon or grado, both should better the Signet.

Clean her up and let er roll.

The SME series III is a good tonearm, circa early 1980's. It is still a good tonearm! The fact that it is mounted on a Rega P3 (circa late 1990's) lends me to believe that the cartridge is probably good, and so should be the stylus. You could examine the stylus for wear under a stereoscopic microscope if you have one available. One might be available at a local high school science class or college science department. If I were you, I would clean it carefully first, make all the fine adjustments as needed, and then assess needs. It sound like you got a steal. Happy Listening.