SME 345

I'm trying to find specs on a SME 345 but I´m unable to find it anywhere. More to the point, I´d like to know where to place this arm in the current SME line-up, since I´m considering upgrading my Origin Live OL1 for use with a brand new VDH Frog Gold MK2
I know that this arm was matched with the Oracle Delphi MKV tt, but cannot get any info. Any help?
brgds, Marcelo

Showing 1 response by utahusker

I've owned an SME 345 for 5 years now, and I've not found a cartridge that wouldn't track with it.

I'm running it on an Avid Diva II SE with a Sumiko Pearl/Jico SAS Stylus-1. Yes this is a budget cartridge, and I've used an Ortofon Jubilee, Koetsu Black, AT 33PTG, Madrigal Carnegie One, Dynavector DVXX1, ZU 103, Blah blah blah, but the thick smooth sound of the SAS Pearl is what I can listen to for hours upon hours.