SME 345

I'm trying to find specs on a SME 345 but I´m unable to find it anywhere. More to the point, I´d like to know where to place this arm in the current SME line-up, since I´m considering upgrading my Origin Live OL1 for use with a brand new VDH Frog Gold MK2
I know that this arm was matched with the Oracle Delphi MKV tt, but cannot get any info. Any help?
brgds, Marcelo

Showing 1 response by skand

I am also looking at purchasing an Oracle Delphi MKV
with the SME 345 tonearm.Can anyone give any advice on cartridge matching for this combination,eventual partnership will be with Audio Research amps & Maggies.
What will go well with this arm/i like most music styles
the budget is $2500/$3000 tops.I am thinking Benz/Koetsu
or van den hul.Not been able to demo any thing yet so some direction would be great.
