SME 312S versus SME V-12

These are SME's two 12" arms. The difference is that the 312S has a detachable headshell for azimuth/cartridge swapping and static VTF while the V-12 has a fixed headshell/continuous arm tube and dynamic VTF.

Has anyone heard and compared these arms to each other? I just retested static versus dynamic VTF on my SME V arm and prefer the dynamic, so that may answer my question, but I'm curious to read what others think of these two arms as I've never heard them. Thanks.
Mauidj - You can save big cash on either arm by buying it from Southwest Analogue.
The 312S arm uses gravity as the VTF provider whereas the V-12 uses spring pressure.

Having forgotten to re-tighten the counter-balance weight less than a quarter turn of the locking screw on my 312S arm when adjusting the VTF, I wondered where the mids and highs had disappeared to (relatively speaking). Therefore, one suspects with a resolving system that you would have some minor differences between the passive 312S suspension and the active V-12. Whether its good or bad will depend on you.

I chose the 312S arm as it came with the SME 20/12A turntable.
If it's any use I've heard the SME V fixed against detachable and could hear no difference
Hi Mauidj

Absolutely amazing. I liken this combo to a formula one racing car in that one tweak here will require a compensating tweak there and so on. One tweak too far and the race is lost etc.

I've had pant-wettingly good moments or like I mentioned above, sad moments where I'd thought I'd stuffed something up permanently. Such is the difference in sound by such minor tweaking or over-tweaking.

So I've had my combo performing like the commenters that say "SME tables are dead" to those who say "this is one of the top 4 or 5 turntables in the market".

Now that it's set up and been running for a while and quite stable from my changing things point of view, I'm glad that I won't need to buy another table in my lifetime, although I will seek out different cartridges to the ZYX Omega over the rest of my lifetime but it is quite sensational to listen to for the next few years.

Let me just add that the Dr Feickert protractor and the associated Adjust+ software was invaluable to setting this combo up properly. The azimuth setting via the Adjust+ software made the most amazing difference, not so much in outright sound, but the depth of the soundstage became huge and the attack and decays of the high notes simply astounds and astonishes.