Smallest tube system for bed room

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to build myself a small system for my bedroom... I was thinking of going tubes for amp/preamp... My budget is very limited ($2,000-$2,500 for the whole system). Anyone has any recommendation speakers (Sonus Faber Concertino like size), amp/preamp and Cd player?

I was thinking to get a tube integrated amp in order to save space. I'm not looking for a powerfull amp (I guess under 20 watts is more that enough). My WAF doesn't like the idea of getting a system in the bedroom, so I have to get the smallest system possible.

Also, is there a cd player that has a really small footprint?


Showing 1 response by joiii

ASl MG SI 15 DT latest version with bias meter, externally adjustable bias, SET
(Single Ended Triode) 5 watts triode, 15 watts pentode all class A, for $749.
Triangle Titus 202 90db monitors. $459.
Sony SACD CE 775 $199.00 (kinda big footprint)
Burn it in for 100hours, change the preamp tubes to NOS-$100.
I have this system, at 5 watts triode with vocals, jazz and small ensembles, it is filling my living room condo (vaulted ceiling) with very good sound.