Small NAD 533 upgrade.....Immediate pleasure.

Thanks to all of your suggestions from a previous thread, I just replaced the stock MDF platter on my NAD 533 table with a Rega glass platter. The immediate difference in the sound of the table is quite apparent, and I'm quite pleased with the improvement. Also, a few months ago, I put a new Goldring stylus on the existing Goldring Elektra cartridge, and also noticed an immediate improvemnt in the music that my LP's are making.

Yeah, sure, I'm looking forward to the day when I can buy my dream analog rig (VPI Scout/ Grado Sonata, or perhaps Nottingham Interspace Jr./Dynavector 20x, or perhaps the Rega P5/Rega Exact).....but for now, with a minimal investment of around $130 for platter and stylus, I'm finding a heightened level of enjoyment with my LP collection, and I'm re-discovering the glory of analog jazz through my Rogue Audio tubes and Vandersteen speakers. The music matters, once again !!

Showing 1 response by adam18

Thanks Joe......I appreciate your comment. What cartridge do you have on your P5 ? Are you happy with it ? Do you run it through the Cronus' phono stage, or do you have an outboard stage ? My NAD 533 is being run directly through the Cronus' phono input............Very nice indeed !!!

For now, I'm very satisfied with my "present sound," and I have thoughts of keeping my Vandy 1C's and Rogue Cronus for a long time to come. My next upgrade will be my analog front end, and I'll definitely consider the Rega P5.