Small monitors/bookshelves for classical music

I currently own KEF iQ5 floorstanding speakers and ROTEL RB980BX Power Amp. I listen to classical music(Bach, Mahler, Wagner, etc). Though KEF iQ5 lacks deep bass, I am completely fine with that when listening to classical music.

I am seeking to buy a pair of new/used monitors/bookshelf speakers. I want a truly "bookshelf" speaker which can be put on a desk or even a bookshelf. I will not put them on stands. Neither will I pair them with a subwoofer. But I will pair them with this ROTEL RB980BX. ROTEL RB980BX is very powerful, 120W/ch. I can spend below $600.

After doing multiple painful searches online and on this forum, I have several potential speakers/monitors in mind.
PSB Alpha B1
B&W 686 or 685
Paradigm Mini

Showing 1 response by schubert

KEF 103.2 would be a good choice.I recently picked up a pair of KEF 1.5 's which I found better than PSB Alpha B1
in a den situation. but a 1st row presentation re the PSB darker mid-hall sound.

Like you,I am a classical fan,having owned Paradigm Mini and Atom in the past IMHO they are voiced for rock and too
rough for classical.

The absolute best small speaker I've heard that can be found for your money is the Silverline Minuet.