Small integrateds: red wine, bel canto or wyred?

Hi, I am trying to match my tekton lore s speakers (95 efficient) to a small integrated amp. I don't mind if it has a dac or not, I can add one later. For powering the lores in a large room, what would be best? I like warmth and strong bass. I cannot audition as I live abroad and will have to order them. I am looking at the red wine 15, red wine 30, the wyred mint and the bell canto 300i or 5c3i. I like the idea of the red wine but have concerns about bass, the battery and power. Budget is 1500 or so, used okay. Thank you for any ideas.

Showing 1 response by timlub

Hello Skoczylas,
A very good friend of mine has used a Red Wine 30 (upgraded) for quite some time, He has owned Lore S for about a month now and as many wasn't thrilled, he really wanted to stay with a good integrated, but recently came across a First Watt amp (25 watts per channel). I haven't heard it as of yet, but he tells me it has better bottom and top end than his 30 as well as a touch of warmth. (driving it with a Wadia 121) Sorry, I didn't catch this post sooner.