Small Home Advice

Hey, If anyone has a moment to spare I would like to ask the board (or bored as it may be) about some advice for a small living room sound setup. I take great pride in listening to a WIDE array of music and have an undying love for all things music. So I just need something for a room that will sound warm and welcoming. I've been reading posts on the board for close to two hours now on miscellaneous topics and notice a common idea; that everyone can drop $7,000 on a CDP or Amp. Sorry guys, this isn't feasable at this point. At home I get to listen to Planar speakers in a nice setup. For my personal apartment I want smaller. This is where my thought comes in. I hate Bose, with a passion. Bose systems cost like . . . I dunno... they cost much much much more than they are worth. But then I hear these Anthony Gallo Micro's. And they're like $600 and sound great. So what's out there sneaking around that sounds real good, but doesn't have the insane price tag? I want nothing more than to drop $10,000 on a system, but cannot right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated, or you can just blow me off.

Showing 4 responses by osclib

Hey Ryan, as far as speakers go, do you know about the Magnepan MMG? $500 new with a 60 trial period and a factory credit towards an upgrade if you choose to do so. Combine this with an inexpensive high power integrated amplifier( Magnepans love watts), a quality DVD player(quality sound and video versatility), and some quality cables(check and look at MIT cables on sale) and you have a pretty sweet system in the $1500-$1750 range.You could also go Eldragon's route on the cheap and check out the Linn Classik and some nice monitors(Linn Tukans, PSB's, or build a Dynaudio Kit from Madisound). In any case, you should have a quality sound thats only weakness would be in the lower frequencies. Good luck!
What are your impressions of your home system? Not many people have the full Magnepan HT system. The Acurus DIA 100 or 150 was one of the integrateds I had in mind. Where in the South are you? I know a place that has a nice Linn display and am wondering where you found those Maggie surrounds.
"Sound Systems" in Birmingham sells Linn equipment. I am in the middle TN area...I'll check out "Sound Decisions" next time I'm in AL.
Hey G13, I was born in Charleston and was just out there a month ago. As far as the MMG's go, I think 4-5 weeks is the average. The 1.6QR's take around 4 months for delivery.