Small Floorstander That Uses Ribbon Tweeters?

I'm looking for a small floorstander that uses Ribbon tweeters instead of the conventional dome tweeter. This speaker must sound good in a small room, at low volume and within a close distance.

This speaker caught my attention, and seems to be what im looking for but are no longer being made -

Something similiar to this model would be ideal, maybe even better would be a two way design with more efficiency.

I will be using an Denon PMA-2000ivr intergrated amp ( for now) with is veeeery laid back. Although I plan to upgrade to a NAD 372/375bee/m3 in the near future.

Showing 2 responses by dave123456

Thanks everyone for the suggestions, this will give me some models to investigate. I especially like the looks of the Salk Song Tower, but am not sure how it will sound in my small room with rock/pop music. Some of the other models mentioned loook nice, but way too big for my application. I'm looking for something that can integrate drivers at a close distance and not sound bright with less than stellar recordings.

I actually used to own the original Ascend CBM-170 back in 2003 and have thought about trying the updated SE model since my equipment is much better than it used to be. The towers look amazing, but again they use too many drivers for what im seeking.