Small digital recorder - experiences?

Have any of you used a small digital recorder that you are happy with? I need something fits into pocket nicely, records hopefully MP3 or some other compact format that directly plays on a PC. Goal is to record voice initially, not necessarily music, although thats an interesting option. Mike input option would be nice.

Ever tried using iPod for this purpose? Or some MP3 player?

Key are play back quality and ergonomics and small and many hours per battery set.


Showing 1 response by gloomydan

I believe that the digital recorder Michael Fremer loved is made by Sound Devices. They make both a 2-channel and I believe a 4-channel. Both are relatively expensive - over 2 grand I think, and while portable, not exactly sized to slip into your pocket. Also, you would need external mics. They're made for professional field recording - mainly film and television sound production. Sony recently came out with a great all-in-one recorder that has decent built-in mics, but it's also pricey at @ $1800.00.

I just read that Griffin Technology is making a cute recording add-on for the i-pod. There are others too. In between, there are a few recorders aimed at the musician market - like Edirol and Zoom. They have some useful features and the option of recording (theoretically) better sounding files in addition to mp3.