SMALL, but efficient speaker

To be used with a flea-powered amp and/or a battery-powered integrated, also of limited juice. Single-driver need not apply. I've been down that road and find all I tried to be too BRIGHT and beamy with not enuff balls down low for Deep Purple, Zep and the like. They're OK for light jazz, audiophile crap and chick singers, but that is NOT my bag.

I'll accept a very small floorstander (was thinking Rega R3), or stand mount. Nothing bigger.

Room 10X10, so quite small, by US standards.

Your thoughts, please. Oh, Hawkwind RULES.

Showing 1 response by plato

The new Silverline Preludes will do the job nicely. You get deep, articulate bass and high efficiency in a petite floorstander. They work very well in small and medium size rooms and sound wonderful with all types of amplifiers. The latest model is very well balanced and is not "bright". Their imaging is first rate and resolution is very good.

I use them in a 11x14 room and don't feel like I need a sub at all. A friend of mine has them in an even smaller room and just loves them.