Small and satisfying. Please help me.

OK guys. You've got me on the right track for a 37" plasma for my bedroom. I want to do it with surround sound. My wife is gung ho but wants it sweet, simple, small and not ridiculous $ wise. I heard this 5 way Bose surround set-up and loved it. Had all the qualities I'm looking for. Can I do better? Space, remember, is the MAJOR factor. My bedroom, although nice size, is still my bedroom. Thanks in advance. warren

Showing 12 responses by rsbeck

If you want to keep it real simple, there are a couple of ways you could go.
One, is to buy one of those packages like Sony, Nakamichi and many other companies make -- complete with DVD player, receiver, and speakers. But,
I think you can get better quality if you separate these purchases. Since you're going to lay out some $$$ for a plasma screen, you'll want to have a DVD player that will get the most out of it. Hopefully, one that is future ready with DVI output. After that, you still need a receiver and speakers. Depending on your budget, there is still another way to go. You could get a DVD player, a surround processor, and "active" speakers, which are amplified.
This way, you get speakers with amplifiers tuned to them, you get a surround processor instead of a receiver. There are several companies that make relatively small "active" speakers. What's your budget?
There are currently three DVD players that output video in DVI (Digital Video Interface). These are the Bravo D1 ($200), the Samsung HD931 ($300), and the Denon 5900 ($2,000). The Samsung has received mixed reviews, so it is
between the Denon and the Bravo, which has received better reviews than the Samsung. Personally, for DVD watching, I would opt for the Bravo at this point. No sense buying the $2,000 Denon 5900 for DVD watching when the
technology is changing so rapidly. In the next 6 months, more DVD players will come out with DVI and the technology is bound to improve. Then, there's also HDM1 around the corner. Currently, I know of no DVD players with this
capability and only a couple of plasma screens, including the new Pioneer models.
Correction: I have found ONE DVD player that has an HDMI output. The Pioneer Elite DVD Player: DV-59AVi. Hook that puppy up to a plasma or LCD screen that has an HDMI input and the eagle has landed! This will upsample and turn DVD into HD.

Panasonic has a 32" LCD that has a HDMI input. Now, you need an integrated amp and two speakers. Or, a pre-amp and two "active" speakers. If you go
the active speaker route, I would recommend Mackie's. They are pretty small,
but -- believe it or not -- they are bi-amped and have great top and bottom
extension. You can get two of them new for about $1,200. Just a suggestion.
You might be able to find some used if you look around at pro audio sites.
Okay, reading up some more. Just to add more info: DVI and HDMI, apparently, are compatible. With an interconnect which has an HDMI connection on one end and a DVI connection on the other, these enabled units will work together to pass the uncompressed video signal in digital, which produces what is said to be a significantly better picture than component video. Some say it approaches the quality of high def. So, now you can consider all four DVD players for the 32" panasonic, which I am just assuming you will purchase. The Pioneer DV-59AVi goes for around $950. It is a universal player, as is the Denon 5900.
There are some used Mackie's selling on Ebay. You want the Mackie HR824.
Just a suggestion, but I like those speakers. They are rated to be flat down to 40 Hz and I believe it. Amazing high and low extension for a bookshelf monitor. Great sounding. Must be something to do with being bi-amped, with a more powerful amp for the bass. They can be used with or without a Sub-woofer. I don't know a lot about two channel pre-amps, but there are quite a few used ones selling on A'Gon.
Update -- Just found out that Panasonic is coming out with a DVD player that will include HDMI output. It was introduced at CES. I will be their new flagship model -- Panasonic DVD-S97. Panasonic has a great history with
DVD players. Don't know how much this will cost or when it will appear in stores.
Update -- Toshiba has a DVD player with HDMI output: Toshiba SD-5960.
This unit can be found at Best Buy for $200.
Update -- Amazon lists the Panasonic DVD-S97 at $299. It is not yet released.
Depends on how many audio inputs your integrated amp sports. If you're using it for DVD's, TV, and playing CD's on your DVD player, you need two
sets of L & R audio inputs, which most integrated amps should have. Then,
you just switch to the mode that corresponds with your DVD player for movies and the one that corresponds with your TV (audio inputs from your
cable box, satelite receiver, etc.) for television.
Call your local cable company, check out the satelite outfits, check with your current provider, see who has the best array of HD programming, what plans
they have for offering more in the future, what you need in order to receive
HD programming with your HD-Ready LCD screen, and how much it will cost to rent whatever needs renting and how much extra for the HD service, etc. In my area, the local cable company provides the HD Cable box and remote control and it costs $5 more per month for both the unit and the programming. HDTV is a HUGE improvement and will wonderful on your screen. If HDMI to HDMI can make DVD's look anything like HDTV -- that will be a great improvement and make the whole thing even more worth the trouble. I'm keeping an eye on the release of these HDMI DVD players and their reviews.
Jackpot: Here's a web page which lists all the DVD players with DVI or HDMI either out or coming soon --- Lots of links to ther great stuff, too!
Here's another great resource. These guys put DVD players through a battery of tests and publish the results.

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