Small and satisfying. Please help me.

OK guys. You've got me on the right track for a 37" plasma for my bedroom. I want to do it with surround sound. My wife is gung ho but wants it sweet, simple, small and not ridiculous $ wise. I heard this 5 way Bose surround set-up and loved it. Had all the qualities I'm looking for. Can I do better? Space, remember, is the MAJOR factor. My bedroom, although nice size, is still my bedroom. Thanks in advance. warren

Showing 1 response by jrflanne

Hi Warren.
I am a former owner of Bose Lifestyle 10 speakers. They look cute and sound pretty good in the store but they are a very expensive setup considering stands, etc. And you will get a severe case of buyers remorse. I think I paid around $1200 for the set. I now use PSB Stratus Bronze ($800), PSB Image 6C ($250), PSB Image 2B for backs ($250) and a Velodyne HT12 Sub ($200). Add em up and you get $1500 for total (assuming my math is correct). And about 10000x the sound. I'm sure others will be able to recommend a better small system but think closely before you go w/ the Bose'. I think the Image 2B's sound really nice and I would consider them for a bedroom system. I have never purchaced HiFi gear that I regretted more and more over time. But if you do, I have four stands laying around that I'll give you.