Sloped baffle

Some great speakers have it, some don't. Is it an important feature?

Showing 2 responses by usermanual

>>>In both the Green Mtn Audio speaker specs, now, we are talking flat impedance & phase response. :-) Nothing like that in the Magico S5.

Interesting. Any independent measurements you can point us at to verify your claims? The ones we see in SP are not that impressive. In fact, they are quit awful (and are not even time coherent as claimed). Even the so polite JA had to say that: “..the listening axes on which the speaker is (almost) time-coherent and offers the most neutral response don't coincide”. Which is just one typical issue this concept have. Not to mention that distortion level with first order XO will be significantly high: “…occasionally thought I caught a hint of lower-midrange congestion”. All and all, a concept that does not really work, due to all the other problems it creates.

You are absolutely right. Solving one issue (If at all, in this case) , while creating many others is a far cry from good engineering, or good sounding loudspeakers. People who get stuck behind “critical” issues, usually do not see the entire forest. Move on, you are wasting good ink.
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