Sloped baffle

Some great speakers have it, some don't. Is it an important feature?

Showing 3 responses by omsed

Hi Roy,

Thanks for the discussion, but though the difference between the woof and mid remain constant, there is a difference, yes? And that means that the wave launch of a transient will not be the same for the 2 drivers, correct? The are not time aligned, it would seem. Even if the sum of the outputs through the crossover point remains correct, are we not stuck with the constant time differential between the 2 drivers?

Could you tell me what I am missing?
Why does so much discussion center around how "perfect" 6db per octave is? There is 90 phase shift at the crossover point and we can add on electrical and mechanical impedance changes in the drivers across their frequency range. So can't we fully expect some pretty significant deviations from "perfect phase" in the performance of any speaker, even with the first order crossover?