Slight Hum From Rega Elicit R

I just purchased a brand new Rega Elicit R Int. amplifier but the first thing that I noticed was a slight hum/buzz
from the amplifier. It's audible from 1-2 feet with no music playing. Is this normal for the Rega or I should
return it.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by reubent


I've never heard hum from my Rega Elicit R. I went down to the music room and put my ear as close to the amp as possible, without removing it from the rack, and I did not hear any hum.

That said, I've had several amplifiers over the years that had a bit of mechanical hum coming from the amp (not out of the speakers). It's annoying. If this is a brand new unit, I would certainly consider returning it or trying a replacement. Work with the dealer to see if there are options.
@djengan - You might want to try it on a different circuit or even at another location (friend/family house). If it is most predominant just at power-up and then settles down, it might just be normal. Only you can judge if it is excessively loud. As I said, I don't hear a hum from mine, but I can't get to the back side to listen for hum as it's in a rack.

I can tell you, I've had several amps over the years that had a bit of mechanical hum. Once I got a couple of feet away, I couldn't hear it and I did not hear it through the speakers, so I lived with it.

Try it in different circuits and even at different properties to see if it has anything to do with your wiring. Decide from there how to proceed.

Question: How does it sound otherwise? I love mine. Works really well with all of the speakers I've tried, from a couple of different vintage Infinity's to Vandersteen 3's. I also have the matching Rega Saturn-R CD player/transport/DAC and it's a match made in heaven. Really good IMHO.