slide in phono stage for Accuphase C-2450 preamplifier - is it any good?

I am working on the purchase of an Accuphase preamplifier (C-2450) that can accept an optional slide-in phono stage - either the AD-2850 or the newer AD-2900.  

Are these decent phono stages, and is there any real advantage in the newer AD-2900 over the AD-2850?


Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

think long, I suspect nearly everyone will recommend keeping your phono stage separate.

also, thinking long, think both MM, MC, and optional gain and separate optional loading. Perhaps multiple inputs for two or 3 tonearms, and Pass for MM

My Little Luxman SQ-N150 in my office has built-in Phono, MM and MC, sounds darn good, however, no gain or impedance options for MC input. I've only used it's MM for AT440ML.