Slate under speakers?

My system - listening area is on a suspended floor loft. Wood floor with carpeting on it. As a trial/experiment I currently have formica covered countertop sink cutouts under each of my Snell Type AIII's. No spikes...just sitting on top of the carpet. The difference was an easily noticable tightening up of the sound...more I'm looking for a more permanent solution.

I came across some slate slabs (1 inch x 22 x 34 inches) that would would fit under the speakers nicely. Has anyone used slate in this way? If needed I could spike the platforms into the floor.

Showing 1 response by paladin

I use Adona 24" X 24" granite/mdf platforms under my speakers & the results are amazing.
Better base is just the beginning as I was able to place the speakers closer to both the rear & side walls.
I must disagree with the use of spikes - I can now position my speakers all by myself - which is a major accomplishment (especially on carpet) as the speakers have 4 spikes & discs attatced to the bottom of the metal bases.
My new listening room has cork floors over concrete & the speakers are further from the rear walls but still very close to the side walls & the sound is still fantastic.
Probably the best $500 I have spent on any tweak!
BTW - The graphite SF Stradavari's look even better on the granite bases which is another plus.