Slate under speakers?

My system - listening area is on a suspended floor loft. Wood floor with carpeting on it. As a trial/experiment I currently have formica covered countertop sink cutouts under each of my Snell Type AIII's. No spikes...just sitting on top of the carpet. The difference was an easily noticable tightening up of the sound...more I'm looking for a more permanent solution.

I came across some slate slabs (1 inch x 22 x 34 inches) that would would fit under the speakers nicely. Has anyone used slate in this way? If needed I could spike the platforms into the floor.

Showing 1 response by gregfisk

This is a very interesting thread as I spent last weekend doing a similar project. I too was trying to raise my speakers up a bit to suit there location. I took 1-1/8th MDF I had left over from when I built my house, I spray painted it black and installed adjustable felt feet that I purchased at Home Depot. The felt is very dense and I can now move the speakers by myself which are heavy. My speakers have spiked feet and are sitting directly on the MDF platforms. My floor is porceline tile over concrete slab so it's a very hard surface that the felt feet sit on. To my surprise the base is at least as tight as it was and the sound did improve for me by raising up the speakers.