Slam possible with Tubes instead of SS ??

I like the sound of tubes having a Sonic Frontiers tube pre amp. Is it possible to get that good SS slam I like from a a reasonably priced tube amp? Using an aragon 8002 ss amp at present. Looking to spend about $2 K max if I decide to jump the fence. Yes i do like to feel the bass and do want want to give that up.
thanks for the good information...
So can you recommend a ss amp that would have the tube sound and work well with the Snells?
Hello Blueskiespbd .. Some of the tubes I've have , had good frequency extension and weight , but I would not use the word slam . I'm sure there are tubes out there that would give you what you want , but at a price . You may be able to get the slam you want , at the above price , with S.S.
Yes, I see no reason why. I own a VTL ST85 tube amp 85watts tetrode ,35 triode and i have no problem with bass, i use Merlin speakers, very revealing.
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