Sjofn The Clue vs Rega RS1?

Looking for small monitors to place against wall in the $1000-$2000 price range and both these speakers sound attractive. Any comments/personal experience - possibly heard both? Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

Haven't heard the Regas but I heard a stacked pair of the sjofn Clues @ THE Show in NYC this spring. I was very impressed w rock and uptempo bluegrass; Did not hear any other genre but I thought that they were a bargain and worked very well up against the long wall of a narrow hotel room.
YW, Denis. My impression was exactly the same as Soix. The dealer who was showing the clues has developed a stacking stand with the upper speaker turned on its head. This essentially turns them into a D'Appolitto type array with a Mid/woofer-tweet-tweet-Mid/woofer configuration. IIRC, the 2 pairs plus the stand puts them right about at your upper price point, Denis.