Anything that compromises subjective intellectual property is tainted and immediately suspect when it is offered free to the public. What I see are a bunch of broom closet companies trying to get attention in a crowded marketplace with too few buyers and they are willing to pay to get their product reviewed. When they prosecuted Alan Freed they called it payola, nowadays the consumer sheep don't care what gets wagged in their faces, as long as it is free.In my opinion, this guy has screwed the pooch and can't be trusted, regardless of his vision and intent. Just keep sending those shiny objects to him. The word is credibility.
Six Moons charges for reviews?
I recently heard from an audio manufacturer that Srajan from 6 Moons requested payment to publish the company's review that was in-progress. I have used 6 Moons for many years believing them to be unbiased. It would be disappointing if this practice was widespread. Anyone know if this is "normal" business for reviewers? Have I just been naive? It would not be the first time.