Six Finger Satellite/Pete Phillips

Matthew Sweet always loads his bands with amazing lead guitar players. I was listening to "Beware My Love" from "In Reverse" and was really knocked out by the solo. I tracked down the lead guitarist, who turned out to be Pete Phillips from a band called Six Finger Satellite. I'll work thru their stuff on Beats Music, but was wondering if anyone here knows the band/player and could provide a little guidance.


Showing 1 response by loomisjohnson

marty--you're dead-on about ms's guitar players--he's had richard lloyd (my fave), robert quine (a great fluid player whose style is the polar opposite of lloyd's). ms is actually a very good guitarist as well. i'm a lttle familiar with this six finger satellite--they sound nothing like matthew sweet or power pop, but are sorta new wavy angular punk, not too far removed from later gang of four or wire. i don't recall them being esp. memorable, but i'll give 'em another listen.