sistrum vs neuance

Anyone tried both products? What differences did you hear. A similar thread degenerated in to arguements and name calling. Please, could we talk about the sonics and leave the physics and egos out? I don't want to fight about isolation, energy transfer, etc. but I would love to hear your listening experiences with both products. Thanks

Showing 4 responses by sutts

Thanks Tom- thats' an idea. Sounds like it would just be easier to get a big single-chassis stereo tube amp, and just put it directly on the points...
Hi from Toronto! I have 2 Sistrum SP-6 racks here, and am not even interested in trying anything else, HOWEVER, am considering a large SET amp on the bottom shelf, and may consider a Neuance shelf sitting ON TOP OF the brass audiopoints. IMHO there is no reason Sistrum and Neuance can not be used together...
Ken- if I move back to putting two monoblocks side by side on the bottom shelf of the ~ 22.75" wide Sistrum SP-6 rack (which, with the 3 audiopoints, only support one component, hence the need for the shelf), I will get a Neuance shelf, 22" wide by ~ 19" or 20" deep. How HIGH is a Neuance shelf (i.e. 1"; 1.5"??), and what is the price??
Thanks Tom & Ken for very informative responses. Yes Tom, I DO happen to have an extra pair of SP-004's waiting in the wings, that the monoblocks (Dehavilland GM-70's) would fit on, it's just that I had originally thought of putting them on the same SP-6 shelf as the components (no room to put beside on their own stands).

However, the latest development (as of last night) is that the better half has 'vetoed' the monoblocks. First child due in ~ a month, and she does NOT want ANY exposed tubes at ground level. I guess I can understand that. Now, if there were only a world-class tube amp that was totally covered by a cage...