Singxer SU-1 with Aurender N100H

I'm curious to hear feedback from anyone who has used this combination. I am less concerned about the DAC but for reference I am using the Holo Audio Spring level three. I'm curious the degree to which the  Singxer will result in improvement to the sound of the Aurender. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by shadorne

Those I know with the Holo Spring DAC all say that it needs something like the Singxer to work properly - so I don’t think you can eliminate it.
Possibly the Ayre output (did you use optical or Coax?) has less jitter than the USB 2 of the Aurender. Or the decoding of USB in the Holo Spring suffers from logic induced modulation - so it works better with the Singxer or a low jitter feed from the Ayre?

Anyway I don’t have hands on experience but others have reported and advised that the Holo Spring shines best with a Singxer or other type of bridge...