Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable

I'm going to purchase some AQ speaker cables, and am considering bi-wired AQ Robin Hood Zero vs full range William Tell Zero (with quality jumpers). The bi-wired RH is about $500 more expensive than the full range WT, but on a comparable basis, WT is the more expensive cable. Any thoughts on sound quality between the options I described above would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

I use William Tell Zero and it is fabulous.  That said, if you choose the single wire and jumper path, using William Tell Zero, Audioquest also sells high-quality jumpers that you can buy either as silver or copper wire.  The terminations are your choice of either spade or banana.  They are 8" in length.  Both of these jumpers use the 500 series of terminations.  The Audioquest website will show you all of these products.

Best to you.