Single Ended-Parallel or PP Class A Tube Amp?

Hi Guys,

Need some opinion and advise which is better in terms of warmth, sweet tone and near live sound. A Single Ended-Parallel or Push Pull in Class A amp (around 20wpc). Tube reference will be either 6L6GC or KT88. It will drive an 87dB / 8 ohms loudspeakers for jazz, acoustic and vocal music.

Thank you in advance for your inputs. :)
Whether or not your speaker has smooth impedance and phase plots and was designed for low/no-feedback tube amps are the most important pieces of information.

That and the volume level & room size.
i agree with paul, the impedence curve of your speakers and the quaility of the amps power supply and it`s transformers matter more than a strict power requirement. Twenty quality watts should be fine and provide good bass for acoustic jazz. a good single ended amp is hard to beat with this kind of music.
Hi Guys,

Thank you for the informations, my room is about less 30sqm and I only listen on the ambiance level. I heard that 87dB can be driven by a 16wpc tube amp that's why I'm eyeing on a 20wpc.

I think I'd better go for at least 90dB of loudspeaker for me to fully utilize the 20wpc Class A.

Thank you once again.