Sims Navcom Isolation Pucks vs. SQ Isol-Pads

I am looking to apply some vibration isolation to my audio components -- CDP, Integrated Amp, DAC. As I am only starting in this area --- and an entire new rack or shelf is not an option -- I am looking for feedback on these two items.

My equipment is all solid state -- not tubes. Currently housed in a custom wood cabinet. However, some vibration in room from HVAC/Water heater when running.

Any thoughts regarding these 2 options - or others in the same cost range would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by sbleam


Thanks have found a site that sells both the blue foam and cork Isol pads. However, I have found a seller of the Navcom Silencers and could get a number of new he had purchased. I have seen the Navcom Silencers on a number of Audiogon setups - but wanted to get some real feedback. During their peak sale period all seemed to really like the sobathane for a vibration dampening material - which the Silencers used.
First I want to make sure we both mean the sameting with the Sims Navcom Isolation Pucks (photo )
From doing various searches around the net I found articles that described the pucks as a sorbathane puck with a metal band (some recommended removing the band to allow the material to flex). In either case --- the important question is this -- have you used them and how do you compare to the isolation pads?

Thanks for your feedback?