Simple iTunes question

I've got most of my music on one computer (using an external drive and iTunes), which I sometimes access (as a shared library under iTunes sources) from another computer. When I do this, I can only get a list of songs, but not individual albums. On the main computer (downstairs and in another room) I can get a nice list of the music by album or artist or whatever. I want the same on the remote computer. Am I missing something obvious, or am I asking the impossible?
Thanks for your help on this.
Not sure how you are accessing the 'shared lib' on another PC, but I did this...

using a network attached storage drive, iTunes sees it as a shared library, if that box is selected in the lib preffs.

I opened itunes, and clicked on the shared lib, and then went to the VIEW tab and chose Show Browser... I was then able to view by more options. Genre, Artist, album, etc.

Selecting the MUSIC icon on the left just showed me what was onboard that pc... If you've no other tab down lower in that colum to show the shared lib... I'm lost.
"I opened itunes, and clicked on the shared lib, and then went to the VIEW tab and chose Show Browser... I was then able to view by more options. Genre, Artist, album, etc."

I second Jim's response. When you switch libraries in iTunes, it always reverts to its default settings, which only show you a song list. If you follow the above procedure, you'll be able to view the library you are accessing remotely by genre, artist, and album.
Thanks so much, Jim and Theraiguy. I figured there had to be some way to do this, but I just couldn't figure it out. Now, this is so much better.