Simple copper speaker terminal jumpers? Lost my originals.

Can anybody recommend simple, but good quality, copper jumpers that bridge the bi-wire terminals?  I mean just the little piece of copper with the openings on each end.  I see the Cardas ones, but I don't understand how you can adjust them for the distance between the terminals, as they seem to be a solid piece.  Can they be bent a bit to make them fit?  Any other suggestions? 

The reason I'm asking is that I seem to have misplaced the original jumpers for my speakers and I found a set lying around the house that seem to have been from different speakers and don't really fit completely onto the terminal posts.  Also, they look more like brass than copper.  So, I'd like to try a different jumper.

Also, I currently have the cables connected to the HF terminals, but I saw on some threads here that people were connecting the cables to the LF terminals and jumping to the HF.  Which do you think is better, audio-wise? 

Showing 7 responses by mtrot

@ lprules1962

Thanks, I've been looking at that linked page several times today. I didn't see any adjustable ones there but will check that out.
Thanks, but did you read my post?  I mentioned those Cardas jumpers, but the question is, can they be adjusted to the actual distance between the speaker terminals?
Thanks, all.  I'm going to call Legacy Audio and see if they have any jumpers that will fit the posts on my speakers.

The only reason I'm concerned about my current jumpers is that, as I said above, the binding posts are too large diameter for the jumpers to fit over them, and they look sort of like brass, not copper.  It may just be that they sat in a drawer for a decade or so and they tarnished.  So, in addition to them not fitting well, I'm not sure of their conductivity.
@ waterzlife

Thanks.  Actually I ran these speakers bi-wired for years, but when I bought some new cables that were not bi-wire type, I found that the sound, including bass, was far superior.  The sound is so much better that I regret having bi-wired them for all those years.  Perhaps it's something to do with Legacy's crossover implementation in these speakers.

I'm currently connected to the HF terminals and jumping to the LF terminals.   The reason for that is that I want to get the best highs and mids, and considering that these jumpers are not very confidence inspiring, I want the cables directly connected to the HF terminals. 

Thanks, those look like some more affordable options!  Considering that the jumpers will be used to jump to the LF terminals and my objective is for bass quality, I wonder if stranded, or solid core, wire would be better to use as jumpers? 

Thanks, well, once I have the jumpers in place, it will be easy enough to try it both ways!  It just seems to me that it would be better to connect the speaker cables directly to the HF terminals with respect to the delicacy of HF signals. 
I ended up purchasing these Mogami jumpers.  With the jumpers in place, I seem to have better bass impact and weight than with those cheap metal jumpers I had been using.