Sim Eclipse cd or player which one

I am thinking of the Sim,But i can not try one,or the Emc
a lot of peaple say the Emc1 24 192 is very good!can eny
one give a verdict!

Gryphon Tabo
Wilson act 1
NBS cables.

Showing 1 response by waltersalas


I currently have the EMC-1 and am curious as to your perception that the Capitole's performance is a significant improvement over this player. What do you perceive as the big differences? I'd love to be in a position to conduct an A/B comparison, but that is not practical. It sounds as if you have been able to make such a comparison and have formed a strong and definitive opinion as a result. Could you provide a bit more detail to support your findings?

BTW, I have read BWhite's thread comparing the "big three," and also recommend it to others. However, if memory serves, he seemed to favor the Mephisto slightly over the other two.