silverline sonatina vs soliloquy 5.3

anyone have any comments on these speakers. from what i have gleaned from the web both speakers share similar positive charcteristics: transparent mids, wide soundstage lively dynamics and sweetly detailed highs, from what i gathered the Sonatina's sound beter with SET amps while the 5.3 are better with SS. Since I'm using a Aragon 8008 I am thinking of going with the 5.3's. Any insight would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by dekay

The Soliloquy's also sound very good (better IMO) with tubes. I auditioned them with SS Conrad Johnson and Tube Audio research gear. I would not let that influence your decision. If at all possible try and audition them with your amp or better yet see if you can demo them in your home. I think that they are both very nice speakers, so no help there.