silverline sonatina or proac 1.5

After lisenting to many different speakers i have almost settled on the proacs i have read many reviews on the sonatinas but have never heard them.I'm going to have these for along time and want to make sure. So can someone out there who has heard both please give me your advise. thanks so much

Showing 1 response by bonemachine

The Sonatina is a very fine speaker. I have owned a pair for 4 months now. You need very good electronics with them. The amplifier does not have to be very powerful. I have heard them on 12 watt SET's to 100 watt Mark Levinson and !30 watt Chord amps. They all sound wonderful. They are very detailed, dynamic and will play very loud (127 db). However they sound best at low and medium levels. The bass is very good, fast and tight. However I do not believe that it measures into the mid 20 cycles as advertised. The midrange is heavenly.