Silver v Copper wire phono cable

Getting ready to order new tonearm, have option for either copper or silver continuous phono cable from cartridge to preamp.  without the  opportunity to compare personally, I would like to hear how others would system is shown on this site...thank you



Showing 1 response by intactaudio

Silver ADDS a 5khz to 8khz rise, even though slight, that creates a hardness / harshness to the signal.

I’ll side with Lew here and until I see verifiable documentation of this I call BS.

Recall that it is possible in an A / B test to detect as little as 3mB difference is signals as demonstrated in blind tests.

I do not ever recall seeing this and until documentation is provided of the pedigree of the A/B test I’ll again call BS. This quote from the sheds some light on the absurdity of the claim.

The unit decibel is used because a one-decibel difference in loudness between two sounds is the smallest difference detectable by human hearing.

I believe this refers to overall level change for an untrained listener and I do believe that an experienced listener can detect smaller changes and also believe that changing a small range of frequencies will allow smaller than 1dB changes to be heard by a larger segment of the population. For any change 333 times smaller, I’d be surprised if there were one person on the planet that could do this.
