Siltech Golden Ridge G6 with Satt Digital cable

I am looking to buy a digital cable and have an affordable offer on the Siltech Golden Ridge g6 with satt.
I have never used a Siltech digital cable and have no chance to listen to this cable before buying.
Any listening impressions about this cable will be very helpful.
BTW, what is SATT ? How does it make a basic G6 better ?

From what I have read in other forums, the G5 Golden Ridge has a very lush sound but at the cost of loose bottom end. Some people term it as musical cable but not exactly neutral.
Frankly, I am looking to add a nice musical cable but not a colored cable. My system does not really require a color at this point. But at the same time I do not want to ad a cable which does transparency and neutrality at the cost dryness. I typically keep away from silver cables for this very reason. I know it is possible to get a clean, neutral yet natural analog-ish sound if the cable is done well. Does the G6 Golden Ridge fall in that category ?
Not really in a mood to experiment hence would appreciate any input :).
i'll second bvdiman's take on the siltech cables sound.

extremly musical and organic sounding, these cables have been my favorites, even after trying 10 + different cables.
i'm not familair with the g6( i skipped a genration to try other makers), but their g3/ g5 and g7 were/are lush sounding cables with accurate(to these ears) rendering of timber,tone and speed.
"I know it is possible to get a clean, neutral yet natural analog-ish sound if the cable is done well. Does the G6 Golden Ridge fall in that category ?"

--Yes, definitely. Quiet, natural, and resolute is how I would describe them. I do not think even their G5 have what you would call as loose bottom. Albeit neutral, they have ways in rendering digital more listenable--organically musical.

SATT is Siltech Advanced Thermal Treatment where they supposedly fry and freeze the cable. Introduced in 2006 as their new metallurgical treatment method. I heard subtle but noticeable differences between their SATT and non version in my system.
Maybe a kharma cable or a AUDIO NOTE KONDO SPL will fit the bill ???
I am myself in the same search (for a digital cable) !!!