Silicone fluid for Moerch tonearm damping?

I have never tried to add silicone fluid to the tonearm well on my Moerch DP-6 tonearm, just used it for the pickup lifter, but have been told that it might help me with the new cartridge I will be getting, a Denon DL-103. The Moerch tonearm (blue dot) at 14 grams is a bit less than the effective mass that the Denon cartridge prefers and I was told that damping the tonearm might help with tracking and just make the whole set up sound better. I am willing to give this a try, but I seem to have misplaced the container of silicone 'fluid' that came with the tonearm and can't find any specs about what actual fluid was recommended by Moerch.

Does anyone know what weight of silicone fluid (oil?) should be used for the Moerch tonearms? Turntable Basics sells damping fluid, but I need to know which weight would be best.

(FYI, I did email Moerch about this, but haven't received an answer (someone told me I am not likely to ever get an answer from them. :-( ) and I also emailed Sorasound, the USA distributor, but received a "canned" response from Mehran saying he was in Belgium until near the end of the month and that I should email him again at that time.)

Showing 2 responses by mofimadness

Holly...I would wait and listen to the combo of your DP6 and
DL103 without any damping fluid. I really think you will
like it as is.

IMHO, it's always better to have no fluid damping than to
over dampen things. Getting the correct amount of fluid in
a tonearm will drive you crazy. It's usually a lesson in
futility. Chances are you'll probably like it better
without the fluid and getting the fluid cleaned out of the
arm is a pain the ass.

I can count on one hand, the number of cartridge/arm
combinations that "really" required damping fluid
and sounded better with it than without it.
Holly...I didn't know what "hors de combat" meant either. I had to look it up. It means "outside the fight".

Glad to hear you finally got your cartridge!