Silencable / Heavens Gate Audio

Hello, does anyone have recent experiences with this German firm? I thought their cables were allright. But it seems they have closed their business. Any respons would be welcome.

Showing 1 response by jnk

I'm currently trying out a bundle of their cables with various interconnects and speaker cables (from their entry level to the stratospheric priced ones); so far, i find them similar(ish) to my current Synergistic Research stuff - wide soundstage, good bass and detail retrieval and an open and delicate open end. Like SR, their entry level stuff is on the warmer side of neutral, with a smooth and balanced presentation but a little too polite and "shut in" for my tastes. Up the ladder, (ie with the LS 16 and 32 speaker cables), neutrality, speed and attack increases with a healthy dose of bass slam but tend to become too clinical and sometimes edgy at the top end. This could be a case of system synergy - and the fact that they are still breaking in - so I'm willing to keep listening to them for some time. Bottom line, like any other cable, they have some great strengths but also some noticeable weaknesses, but they are worth a serious audition within your system context.