Signet TK100 LC cartridge. - Looking for Info

I acquired this cartridge as part of a larger purchase and briefly demo'd it on a Luxman PD 121 with the SME III low mass tonearm. It sounded great and very detailed with surprisingly good bass response to what I was expecting. As I am a LOMC guy I kept the demo brief and went back to my Fidelity Research FR1 MK3F on heavy tonearm. I since sold the SME and Luxman but kept the Signet as it intrigued me. 

I would like to ask if there are any other owners of this cart out there, and if so what are their thoughts on its performance and where you would rank it with other carts in your collection. Also what is the highest tonearm mass you would feel comfortable with putting this cart on. I have a Linn Ittok I would like to try it on but I'm not sure if this is too heavy.

Any comments or observations on this cart would be most welcome.

Thanks advance.


Showing 2 responses by dgarretson

A TK100LC came to me in very good condition, mounted to a Signet XK-50 arm on a Luxman PD444.  So far I've only tried this cartridge on a Trans-Fi Terminator, on which it sounded fine.  It is certainly in the upper echelon of vintage MM/MIs I've owned.  I'll try it on a SME 3012R with 14gm effective mass and post results.  

A TK10ML also came in with the Luxman set-up on a second Signet XK-50, but the cantilever is too skewed for accurate set-up.  Hopefully I'll find someone to straighten it.

On the Trans-Fi arm the TK100LC compares well to neutral and extended MM/MIs like Astatic MF100, Precept PC550ML, and Grace F9 with Soundsmith Ruby OCL.  My comparisons to recent MC are more limited, but on Trans-Fi the Signet isn't far off from an AT ART7.