Sierra Eagleson - new video

I've touched on Sierra's music a few times in the past.  Judging by her enormous view counts she's an internet superstar yet still without a "published" CD.  For my money she continues to be one of the most exciting emerging talents of this age.  I do hope she continues to share her musical statements.  What will come next?

2:20 / 6:40 Brush Fire (Reprise) - Sierra Eagleson


Showing 1 response by bigquery

I try to not add additional comments to a discussion.  It's interesting to observe where comments lead or in this case do not lead.

That said - I am very surprised at the lack of reaction to Sierra.  To back up my reaction I could  point to several videos that have 1m plus views. In some cases (not sure how many) Sierra has posted these on streaming services.  For my money this is testimony to record companies losing influence.

For anyone who needs more convincing about Sierra's popularity - look at the view count on this video (above 12m)....


Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd (Cover)