Shure V15--A Good Cartridge?

I've noticed that there seems to be violently mixed opinions on the Shure V15. The quotes from reviews are good, but then some people (mostly dealers) don't really seem to like it. One person commented that he thinks it's too bland, another says it's not good for anything but rock because it can't resolve complicated details. At the same time, however, one person (a dealer whom I respect) thinks it's a great cartridge for people with ordinary record collections, and I've heard some people say it's great for classical and jazz, and it does just fine with complicated musical details.

I am not in the market for a V15--now, at least--but I have been really wondering why the opinions are so mixed. Other cartridges seem to be pretty simple--the strengths and weaknesses are well known.

Showing 1 response by jonathanbrowned33a

When I was a student I purchased a used Mapleknoll - which is now in pieces (a subject for another thread - help to build a new plinth!) - I only had a few $ left and bought a Shure V15 - it sounded surprisingly great.