Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance

Showing 5 responses by oddeophile


I have not heard the ZTron AC cables, but from what I have read here and there the ZTron adds a very fast transient "jump factor" to the sound and at least one person felt they exceeded the CX series.

For me, it does not matter. I love the combination CX King Cobra/Anaconda AC cables throughout my system coupled with the ZTron Anaconda signal/speaker cables and Python ZTron XLR digital cable.

I have noted, also, on Audiogon that nobody seems to be selling their CX AC cables so that tells me something.

Frankly, I adore my CX AC cables and plan on having them stay with me for a very long time.



Yeah, that is the tough part of dealing with these cables with tubes. Of course, you could procure a Cable Cooker but that is not very inexpensive, either.

I lust after the Audio Research Reference 5 SE, but alas, will not enter my system until a long time. The Shunyata's set me back a lot for a long time.

Allow me to jump in, if I may here guys and add to the fun. Vhiner and I know each other very well. We've discussed the cables for some time and collaborate quite a bit.

I have King Cobra and Anaconda CX AC cables throughout and all Anaconda ZTron signal/speaker cables along with the Python XLR digital cable. Both Vhiner and I have the same digital front end.

My Anaconda ZTron signal/speaker cables now have well over 800 hrs on them. They sound magnificent in all reference aspects and are easily the finest signal cables I have yet heard in my system and I have had many over the 40+ years in this crazy hobby.

You will find they take a minimum (MINIMUM) of 500 hrs to get to about 95% of their final settle in. Vhiner and I both know at least one other fellow Shunyata user who has stated that Shunyata can take up to 1,000 hrs to be finally fully settled in. By the way my Anaconda ZTron's have sounded past the 500 hr mark I have no doubt he is correct. As they have aged they become sweeter, if you will, and more refined in a micro sense. Up to the 500 hr region you will find they will drive you nuts closing in, muffling, then opening up for a very short time giving you hints of their greatness, then muffling/closing back in, etc., until they finally settle. When they do, Robert Harley was right on with his TAS review - they are SOTA in sound. Yes, others may have strenghts here or there, but as others I have seen in this thread have heard during their break in process, they begin to hear pieces of what they truly can possess. They are, in a word, magical, in your system once they settle.

The main difference, besides a slight difference in wire gauge for the Anaconda ZTron signal cables vs. the Python, is they Anaconda does not have a second, typical shield around them. Yes, they have the ZTron circuit shield which is not a normal grounded at one end shield, only. According to Shunyata, that makes them more open on the top end and extended. However, supposedly, it makes them somewhat more environment dependent due to the fact they could pick up external noise. So far, in my system, I have not heard any sort of noise, hum, RFI, EFI or any other artifact entering my system through these cables. They are dead quiet and possess the lowest noise floor of any cable I have ever used, period (once they are fully broken in). Their "startle factor", speed, dynamic expression, pacing, etc. are exquisite, sounding so naturally alive and real, it is uncanny.

The point Vhiner makes, and I want to concur is that you have to be patient. VERY patient. Your patience and virtue will be well rewarded once they are all settled in.

Like Vhiner, I have no idea nor explanation why they Ztron cables take so long to finally sing, but they do. Frankly, I don't care why, just that it does which my ears and emotional connection to the musical expression easily were able to ascertain. Prior to the 500'ish mark, I could not easily connect with them. Now, its a joy beyond measure each time I sit down and spin a disc.

The interesting thing, too, is that the Python XLR ZTron digital cable took exactly the same turn of events. Odd, that a digital cable would make that difference. But, oh, boy, did it ever and once it passed the 600 hr level it just blew my mind.

I hope my experience can help shed some light and give those in the process right now breaking their cables in a bit of emotional stability while they go through this process. You are not alone, but please, make sure you go through it and not give up or you risk losing the best thing you could have added to your system.

Hang in there guys, its worth its weight in platinum.


I would agree with the assessments everything is system dependent, for certain. In my system that uses 5 King Cobra CX and 5 Anaconda CX PC's along with the Anaconda ZTron signal/speaker cables and Python Ztron XLR digital cable the system synergy is striking.

When my HT blu-ray surround is engaged the imaging precision is striking with unbounded image size, height, width and depth in all dimensions along with superb dynamics and low level data retreival. I am continually shocked at sonic revelations that just appear out of nowhere, many with the knock-your-socks-off startle factor. I can not tell you how many times lately both my wife and I practically jump off the couch.

On my two channel digital which both vhiner and I have the same equipment, I am now enjoying SOTA digital reproduction with the Python XLR ZTron digital cable and Anaconda ZTron signal cables with the King Cobra CX PC's on my Perfect Wave transport and Perfect Wave MK II DAC. I have never heard air like I hear in the finest digital recordings, including red book CD that I never knew existed, or could exist with what was thought to be red book digital least significant bit size @ 16 bits data. The air between, around and above, behind, etc. images can be quite surprising.

The lesson is, that I would agree with Hkmatch23 that system dependency is like with all other components something one must try cables with to determine synergy along with one's own personal preferences. With the all CX PC's I do find immense image size, openness, and precision along with superb bass weight, speed and tonality combined with the ZTron signal/speaker cables.

Everyone's personal mileage will vary.
+1. I agree with vhiner. Shunyata is superb at the illusion closer to the live original event than any cable I have ever used.