Shunyata interconnect cables experience

Just a general question, does anyone have experience with Shunyata interconnect cables? RCA's. I am not talking power cables, but interconnects. I know their reputation in the power side of things. 
Reason I am asking is I just received their Alpha USB cable for between my Innuos Zen mkIII and Chord Qutest and I am pretty darn impressed with what I am hearing. I am replacing a Cardas High speed USB cable (the one with the double run of cable). The Cardas is a nice cable, but this Shunyata Alpha is just stunning, now I know its about 3x the cost, but I just hear so much deeper into the music. It has such a black background. Its very detailed yet very refined, hard to explain, its just more natural and musical. I have Shunyata Venon power cables, the NR V10 and NR V12 so I was already familiar with their quality and reputation on the power side of things. This was my first experience with any type if component cable.
So it makes me curious if their interconnects provide the same type of results? I am running a pair of Cardas Clear Cygnus between my Qutest and Primaluna. The Cygnus is a nice cable but now I wonder after trying the Shunyata Alpha USB, what am I missing with the interconnects?

Showing 3 responses by lostbears


How much of a difference is there between the Sigma V1 and V2? When I compared my Zitron Cobra Interconnects with the Anaconda, I felt the difference was slight. I only got  Anaconda for my speaker cables. I have thought about the Sigma but I have no Shunyata dealer anywhere near. So I would have to buy a pair to try them in my system.

Cables can be system dependent. I have ARC tube gear and use all Shunyata Zitron Cobra Interconnects with Zitron Anaconda Speaker Cables. They are just wonderful sounding. Similar in sound to Synergistic Research cables. I tried quite a number of cables when I was looking and Shunyata were some of the best I heard. If you Shunyata power cords, than you might want to try their interconnects. Their customer service is also excellent.

 All cables matter. I have found that power cables make the most difference. Then speaker cables, ans finally interconnect. I have not try an expensive USB cable yet. But I have a couple of different ones I have had for quite awhile. Some work better than others and I can definitely hear a difference between them. 

The Venom cables were made to fit an inexpensive price point. They are good but nowhere near the sound quality of their regular cables. Shunyata regular line cables are just superb.