Shunyata Gemini or Hydra Delta D6 & What XC cable

Hi All.  I am seeking input from those with more experience than me.  I am shopping for a power conditioner.  Does anyone have any advice, comparisons, or comments between the Gemini or Hydra Delta D6?  I listened to the Gemini in my system and it made a nice improvement, so that is my first choice at this stage, but I want to ask if anyone has further comments in favor of the Hydra Delta D6 (older, but up the product line a bit).  I am leaning toward not plugging the amps into the power conditioner at this stage so I could get by with 4 outlets.  

I also need a XC cable.  I could pick up a used Venom XC, but more likely a Gamma XC, or save up for the Delta XC, but some posts suggest that the Gamma is a good match with the Gemini. Has anyone matched the Gamma XC with the Gemini?   My only preference based on reading other posts is to select a cable that does not make my system brighter.  

Any advice based on experience is welcome.  Thank you.    


Showing 1 response by gbmcleod

I’d go for the Hydra, since it’s a higher quality line conditioner. As for the cable, apparently Shunyata recommends the XC for amps, but I expect it would work very well with the line conditioners, too. I have quite a bit of Shunyata in my system, but it's all cables and power cords, and a generation older: Sigma V2 and Anaconda ZiTron. I do have the Theta power cord as well, but haven't used Gemini.