shrink wrap film residue- how to remove


I have high gloss speakers. I needed to shrink wrap the speakers to protect them as my unit needed a spray using chemicals. I place a drop sheet over them as well. I removed the shrink wrap and there are marks or residue on my speakers from the shrink wrap. I used a fine microfibre cloth and some distilled water but the marks are still there. Is this something that will take time to come out with repeated wipe downs?

Any suggestions on how to gently remove the residue from my high gloss speakers? Much appreciated.


Showing 14 responses by 2007audioman

kosst_amojan. Not the news I was planning on hearing..this makes me sad if that is the case.. I wanted to protect the finish on it from getting bumped, scratched and also from the chemical spray to get on it..well looks like it worked against me. I do  hope that I can get at least 95 percent of it off..:-(
crwindy..yeah at this point I did put an email into the company and see if they can suggest anything..again my other two subs were wrapped in it and they didnt experience this problem and they are a high gloss finish..thats why it surprises me why these speakers got affected this way..
hi this stuff can remove the residue from the shrink wrap safely then?
theo..its a high gloss piano black finish. They use a water based automotive style type of paint for the finish..maybe this will be of some use and narrow down suggestions..thanks for all the great suggestions so far here..really appreciate it.

Thanks falconquest for your post. I was thinking of using that one as well. One would figure it does work for high gloss pianos but are grand pianos using water based or oil type paint?
Hi all,

Thanks for all the great ideas. I need to work up the courage and confidence and be sure the method I will be going with will work and I can rest easy. I appreciate all the ideas so far presented here. 
My dealer contacted his rep and they seem to think its a moisture issue and to use a hair dryer to get out the stains. Keep it 6-8 inches away and go back and forth on the speaker. They also mentioned to look for a furniture restorer to repair the speakers. I did ask one company and they wanted me to bring the speaker box cause it would need to be re-lacquered. I explained the speaker has multiple drivers and it would be a huge chore to disconnect everything..ughh...anyways, I was looking at Meguires Compound today but not sure how abrasive that would be to the clear coat finish..just giving a quick update..still trying to get something to clean them..thanks all.

Thanks lprules1962. Its 2500 grit. Very fine stuff here. The company also suggested to use 3M Finesse on the speakers. To me that means I would need to use an electric hand buffer to apply it to the speaker and I'm not too confident of my abilities to do a good job that way. 
I do agree it probably was a moisture issue but had no idea stretch wrap would react that way. I had the stuff on 2 other subs that were high gloss and didnt notice anything when I looked at them as well. Maybe they use a different type of paint and gloss on their subs. Thanks for your suggestion. 

Thanks know now that you mentioned it, the support tech did mention to use isopropyl alcohol to remove the marks as well. I guess its not abrasive I suppose is why he suggested it. So your experience, what do you mean it was "only a surface coating" removed by the alcohol? Was it still shiny and had a smooth feel to it after you cleaned it with the alcohol? Reason I ask is cause I have to do the whole speaker(s) with the alcohol if it works and dont want to damage the coating or leave a dull look or scratches as well when finished.  Such a delicate thing these high gloss speakers.Did you dilute the alcohol or did you use it full strength? Thanks chayro.

Thanks chayro for your advice. I'll try a small inconspicuous area and see if that works. Thanks.

Hi chayro..haha..I'm not a drinker so it would be purely used for cleaning and disinfecting..haha..I have some isopropyl 91 percent I was going to try in a small area and see if it does anything. I need to get some microfibre towels to start to get at the job first though and see what happens. 

I tried the isopropyl alcohol full strength but didnt do anything for the marks. Back to the drawing board. I tried a hair dryer and it didnt do anything..sigh..anyways just a quick update.

Hi all,

Quick update. I traded in my CM10 S2 to my dealer who gave me a good trade in price and I will be the proud owner of a pair of 702 S2’s and the HTM71 S2 centre speaker in about a week. Thank you for all the comments, responses I received on this thread. I sincerely appreciate it. I’m very happy I dont have to do anything and can enjoy the latest speakers from B&W. Lesson learned and props to my dealer. Thanks again all.